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UV benefits for meat production and storage: The chemical-free solution

Whether it is a domestic coolroom for long-term storage, butcher shop, abattoir, in fact wherever food is being stored and refrigerated, this unit is essential for its positive benefits. Picture supplied
Whether it is a domestic coolroom for long-term storage, butcher shop, abattoir, in fact wherever food is being stored and refrigerated, this unit is essential for its positive benefits. Picture supplied

This is branded content for Ultra Violet Products (UVP)

Ultra Violet Products (UVP) can provide farmers with a chemical-free solution to long term meat and food storage.

With more than 60 years experience in the industry, the South Australian family-owned business wants to share the positive benefits of Ultra Violet (UV) germicidal light and how it can maintain hygienic conditions in all areas of food processing.

John and Barbara James started Ultra Violet Products Australia P/L in 1991 and have only recently retired.

John had previously worked for Oliphant P/L in Adelaide, who were manufacturers of UV lamps and equipment, including water treatment units, germicidal fixtures and insect zappers.

General Manager of Ultra Violet Products Australia P/L, Helen James, says germicidal Ultra Violet - also known as UVC - improves meat quality by reducing bacterial spoilage and contamination in all production processes and storage.

Ms James states UVC lamps also eliminate bacteria, viruses, moulds, fungi and spores on surfaces and in the air with no flavour or colour changes to the product and without the use of chemicals.

Among the large variety solutions UVP can provide the farming and livestock industry is the GF600IM germicidal coolroom fixture.

"The GF600IM is very popular with butchers and is mounted on the coolroom ceilings to get maximum UV exposure," she said.

"These fixtures will aid in eliminating mould and bacteria and keep the meat fresher for longer.

"Ongoing cleaning of the coolroom is easier because there is no mould in the nooks and crannies in the coolrooms, resulting in maintaining the meat's original flavours."

The GF600IM unit has been used in literally thousands of butchers and meat processing coolrooms Australia wide, for more than 60 years. Picture supplied
The GF600IM unit has been used in literally thousands of butchers and meat processing coolrooms Australia wide, for more than 60 years. Picture supplied

Ms James said whether it was a domestic coolroom for long-term food storage, butcher shop, abattoir, in fact - wherever food was being stored and refrigerated, this unit was essential for its positive benefits.

"The GF600IM unit has been used in literally thousands of butchers and meat processing coolrooms Australia wide, for more than 60 years," she said.

Using UVC germicidal lamps in coolrooms has many advantages, including:

  • Killing and preventing mould, mildew and unpleasant smells
  • Reducing bacteria growth on meat surfaces
  • Extending storage life and reducing wastage
  • Preventing cross-contamination
  • Maintaining the flavours of stored meats
  • Reducing shrinkage of meat products
  • Reducing cleaning time and costs
  • Chemical free solution

"UVP as a one stop shop for all applications is a phrase we like to use because we can cover all bases of UV," she said

"For example, we could walk into a nursing home and supply flying insect units, the air purification units, the germicidal cool room fixtures and the water treatment units on the warm water line.

"We really can kit it out to meet and exceed the customers total UV disinfection and contamination requirements.

"We work in a niche industry and due to the extensive time and knowledge derived from our longevity within this field, we can provide a service that puts us above other companies aiming to offer similar services."

UVC germicidal lamps and units have also been proven to kill airborne viruses, such as COVID-19.

This virus made the world aware that the spread of airborne disease is with us every day in virtually every situation.

Viruses, such as COVID-19, travel very quickly from their source through aeration, such as sneezing, coughing and touching.

The human body is constantly exposed to them and is a great host.

All airborne activity of these micro-organisms can be enormously reduced by the use of UVC germicidal units, which is clean, chemical-free and environmentally friendly.

Another area in which UVC is widely and effectively used is in the treatment of water.

With appropriate filtration in place, UVC will kill 99.9 per cent of waterborne parasites, greatly reducing the risk of diseases such as Giardia and Cryptosporidium.

These two bacetria in particular are resistant to chemical disinfection, such as chlorine, whereas UVC has a 99.9 per cent kill-rate when adequate dosage is initiated.

For more information on our product range and to better understand how UV is best suited to your business needs, visit

This is branded content for Ultra Violet Products (UVP)